I ran/walked a 5K on
Saturday on 47min. It was so great, my body felt like a
furnace for the next day. But I'm not getting the weight loss results that I really want. But I have to remind myself that it has only been a month, I think I need to measure myself b/c that is what is changing a lot. I have been consist in the gym but have just decided that instead of 3 days
cardio I need to be doing 6 days. 5 days at 30min and 1 day a 5k. Then I'm going to split me weights into 6 days, 3 upper and 3 lower. That way I'm not spending forever in the gym but I am getting my
cardio which is what I need for weight loss.
I get into places where I compare my body to other bodies. But I need to remember that I am a different creation than them, and God made me different. I unlike other people process food different, crave different things and have a totally different internal
dialogue. As long as I teat my body like the temple that God intended it to be I know that He will bless me with what He wants me to look like. On the same note I know that He will also put me though whatever I need to go through to get there. There are no trials and tribulations that I can not handle as long as He is by my side.
That being said I'm finally going to take this blog public. I am no longer ashamed at the fact that I was 255lbs. because that was the lazy me. And I hope that I don't see the lazy me again for a while.