Monday, January 19, 2009


"...The only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." President Franklin D. Roosevelt

I read this on my coffee sleeve this morning and it struck something inside of me. All of a sudden I realized that is has been fear that has been holding me back in so many areas of my life.
Fear that I will fail
Fear that I will die
Fear that it will be to hard
Fear that I will never marry
Fear that no matter how hard I try I will never change my life
The list is so much longer but it all really rests on the fear of failure. I don't understand why it is so scary. I have failed and picked myself up, dusted myself off and gone forward. It wasn't that bad and in the long run it helped me grow. I think it may be the fact that the world looks at failing in such a negative way. But whatever doesn't kill me WILL MAKE ME STRONGER!!

I'm down again, which is exciting I may have finally found the right Thyroid meds and exercise mix. I guess we will see.
Don't be afraid to push yourself.....but you need to decide to do it for yourself!

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