Saturday, January 31, 2009


I made it to 245 beside the fact of being sick! Maybe that is why I made it there, but I have been eating a lot. Feed a cold!

I did part of my couch to 5K work out today. It felt great! only 8 more weeks!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

No weight today

I went home last night feeling super sick, maybe that was the reason for my weight gain?
So I decided to get some sleep this AM and go to the gym after work.

I have about 8 weeks until my 5K so I have started training with a purpose. Which is good, because it will make me push myself more.

I'll let you know how the weekend goes.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I don't know what happened, I checked the scale twice. I gained 2lbs over night! Back to the drawing board.

But in spite of it I had a great workout this AM, I did intervals and incline. It was hard but fun!

The last 2 nights before I went to bed I have been doing sit-ups. Well 2 nights ago I woke myself up in the middle of the night doing sit-ups in bed. It was rather funny!

Now that I have the exercise down I need to focus on my food. Time to find a good book that will teach me about my body and the food it needs.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is the lowest I have been since I well passed it on the way up.

I did weights today and that was great. I felt like I am getting somewhere. But I still feel that there is more I need to do. I need to push myself more, harder, faster further!!

I have decided to do a 5K in March!! oh how I need to get there.

Monday, January 26, 2009


So I get caught up in watching these shows were people lose 50lbs in a month. And I think why can't I do that? The answer is because I have chosen to live my life right and not go on a crash diet.
Today I was thinking about the fact that every way I chose to lose weight right now is something that I will have to keep doing to maintain my weight later. So in the long run eating onion soup everyday and cutting out every food that I enjoy just isn't going to work. In order to lose weight and keep it off I have to continue to teach myself how to eat in right amounts and at right times.

I know that I can do this, I need to take the time to learn my body though.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


That was yesterdays weight. I did a 5k and improved on my time.

Today I worked out w/ Billy again. It is a good workout, but I feel that I get a better one at the gym. But I am feeling tired today. I think that it is my body trying to fight off all the sickness that is going around.

It is hard to keep pushing when the results seems so small. But I must remember that I don;t have 8 hours to spend in the gym(like the biggest loser) and it took my 25 years to put this weight on. So 7 lbs. off in almost 2 months is awesome!!

I need to look at the prize of a healthy, active life style and not compare myself to someone else.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No Number today

Today I didn't get to the gym so I don't know my weight. But I did work out w/ Billy Blanks Cardio. It was so fun!

We will see what tomorrow's numbers bring.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


All I have to say is a burrito for dinner is not a good thing!!

I was hungry and I ate. That was a bad choice, well at least the size of it was.

Even though I thought I wouldn't see 247 I did ; (

On to tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today I woke up 45min after my alarm went off. I guess you could say that I needed sleep. So I only got 45min in at the. It was good, but I walked away wanting to do more!?!

Then when I got to my gym bag my shampoo had exploded!!! That sucks. But all in all I think today will be a good day as long as those truffles on the counter don't get in the way.

Will Power PLEASE!

Monday, January 19, 2009


"...The only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." President Franklin D. Roosevelt

I read this on my coffee sleeve this morning and it struck something inside of me. All of a sudden I realized that is has been fear that has been holding me back in so many areas of my life.
Fear that I will fail
Fear that I will die
Fear that it will be to hard
Fear that I will never marry
Fear that no matter how hard I try I will never change my life
The list is so much longer but it all really rests on the fear of failure. I don't understand why it is so scary. I have failed and picked myself up, dusted myself off and gone forward. It wasn't that bad and in the long run it helped me grow. I think it may be the fact that the world looks at failing in such a negative way. But whatever doesn't kill me WILL MAKE ME STRONGER!!

I'm down again, which is exciting I may have finally found the right Thyroid meds and exercise mix. I guess we will see.
Don't be afraid to push yourself.....but you need to decide to do it for yourself!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I didn't even see 247. Let's see how long that lasts. Today is Sunday and my day off of working out, mainly b/c the gym is closed. It is always hard to stop and start the routine but I know that it is so good for my body to rest!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well daily I'm losing. Today I went in and did weights but it was too hard to do cardio. I need to figure out my body and how to it ease it into this new life style.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today I had a good workout. But could only do 20min on the treadmill. My shins were killing me. Then I spent 15min on the elliptical. I felt good when I was done, but would like my legs to feel better. I guess it is because my body is in shock that I'm attempting to run/walk more than a few steps.I love working out 1st thing in the morning, I feel so good during the day!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So I went to the Dr. on Friday and they upped my thyroid med again. The Dr. said that weight loss will be hard until I get my thyroid under control. To think that the main reason I gained weight was b/c my thyroid wasn't working right. And that for 25years I had been struggling with a hidden problem.

But after saying that I'm really excited to keep exercising and reaching those goals b/c then I think the rest will happen!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


To weigh or not to weigh that is the question? So I have heard mixed reviews some say "oh no only weigh your self once a week so that if you are disappointed then it only happens once" other say, "Everyday, everyday weigh yourself everyday!".

My verdict weigh yourself everyday and here are my reasons why.
1. Waiting for a weekly weigh in can really send you in a tail spin when you have gained a few pounds and you may be more apt to gain more b/c of a bad response.
2. By weighing in every day you can put a pulse on what may have made you gain over a day, what you ate, your level of exercise...etc.
3. I also think that it is a everyday battle and by seeing results everyday, good or bad, you can start fresh daily.

Knowing your body is super important and that is something that I have avoided for 30 years. God did make us, but we didn't come with a manual to read about how we perfectly work. That is up to us to figure out, we have to all know what works for us.

Monday, January 5, 2009

internal dialogue

Lately I have found myself having this internal dialogue all day long. I will name the players so you can understand.
1. Lazy me
2. Healthy me
3. Just plain old me

Here is the scenario:
I've gotten up at 5:45 to get to the gym to workout. I finally get on the tread mill and start chugging along. Just plain old me thinks: Oh this is good I can do this, good job! After about 5min. Lazy me thinks (in a loud booming voice ): I'll never be able to run, I'll never accomplish anything, I should just quit now! As I get down and feel like I can't do it I hear this squeaky little voice trying to scream(healthy me): You can do it, it is not that hard, just push yourself harder.
This happens at least 8 times in a 30min workout!!

How about you? do you struggle with an ugly internal voice too?


I ran/walked a 5K on Saturday on 47min. It was so great, my body felt like a furnace for the next day. But I'm not getting the weight loss results that I really want. But I have to remind myself that it has only been a month, I think I need to measure myself b/c that is what is changing a lot. I have been consist in the gym but have just decided that instead of 3 days cardio I need to be doing 6 days. 5 days at 30min and 1 day a 5k. Then I'm going to split me weights into 6 days, 3 upper and 3 lower. That way I'm not spending forever in the gym but I am getting my cardio which is what I need for weight loss.

I get into places where I compare my body to other bodies. But I need to remember that I am a different creation than them, and God made me different. I unlike other people process food different, crave different things and have a totally different internal dialogue. As long as I teat my body like the temple that God intended it to be I know that He will bless me with what He wants me to look like. On the same note I know that He will also put me though whatever I need to go through to get there. There are no trials and tribulations that I can not handle as long as He is by my side.

That being said I'm finally going to take this blog public. I am no longer ashamed at the fact that I was 255lbs. because that was the lazy me. And I hope that I don't see the lazy me again for a while.