Monday, February 14, 2011

The Spiritual.

Weight loss is a life journey. One where my mind may always play the role of the "fat girl" and it has many different levels. Physical, Mental and Spiritual.
It is very easy to just focus on the physical side of weight loss but to be healthy and look at all aspects of it you need to look at the mental "fat girl" mentality and the spiritual part. Many people ignore the mental and spiritual side which ultimately leads them to a crash and burn. But to be honest the Spiritual + a pair of too small red PJ pants started me on my journey. But today we will just focus on the spiritual part.

Did you know that gluttony is a sin?
Gluttony:: 1.excess in eating or drinking; 2.greedy or excessive indulgence (Webster)
Throughout the bible you will find verses about over eating and being drunk, 2 things that physically harm your body.

Why are you here on earth? 
If you are a Christian you may find this answer very obvious, but you don't really cling to it.
It is to love and serve God with all our heart. But I ask you this, how can you do anything if your house is not in order. Now I'm not saying you need to be perfect, but you do need to being running after the Savior. Yes I said running. A life of laziness does not produce a life of abundant faith. But a life of apathy. 
For most of my life I lived a life of bondage to complacency and apathy. Even after starting a personal walk with Christ (14 years ago on 2/15) I always came back to a place of just doing the motions. Because I didn't have everything in check. I didn't realize that every part of my body needed to be going to the same place.
Did you know that your body is a temple? 
1Cor6:19-20 (The message) "Or didn't you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don't you see that you can't live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body."
Our body is a temple, a gift from God!! And we are to spend our time on this earth to fully live for Christ. 
So here is the end, can you honestly tell me that being overweight, indulging in sin and not keeping your temple in order has lead you to a close walk with God? I think some could argue this point, but I ask you to deeply seek out the right answer. Live your life right, look to God for your strength and He will give you abundant blessings. He wants to see you succeed. He wants you to live your life on earth to it's fullest potential. So I beg you to get your house in order! Please don't let distractions get in the way with your relationship with Christ and do everything you humanly can to please him! 

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