Thursday, December 1, 2011

Will my mindset EVER change?

Living most of my life overweight has burned an image into my brain that is hard to release.
Things Like:
 -Over indulging because the food is in front of me
 -Always going straight to the plus sizes (I will tell you that shopping is harder when you are thinner b/c the options are endless!)
 -Being LAZY (Having to remind myself daily why I would want to get out of bed at 5am and go workout)
 -Assuming the overweight me is what I'll see in the mirror. And then being surprised by what I truly see.

I know things change with time and I have changed over time, but will I ever have a healthy perspective of myself? Will I ever actually see what I look like or will I always see the flaws?

How do you process the change?
How do you see the truth?
How do you truly love who you are, no matter size?

I guess it comes down to that, I struggle with loving myself. With feeling I'm worth all that Jesus has done for me. With realizing that I truly am worth all this hard work I have been doing. Sometimes the battle is every second and other times it can go months.
I know I'm not the only person in the world that struggles with this, and sometimes it is hard to admit that you do. But if we take it to God and ask for his help then he can help us focus on his perspective and not ours.

Have you ever thought by not loving yourself you are pretty much are telling God that his creation is not good enough for you? That the fact that he formed you, created you and is continuing to change you is really worth nothing if we can't love ourselves. If we can't love ourselves then how can we truly love God's people? How can we truly love God?

Be honest with yourself right here and now, do you love yourself?

I pray that I can find love, be love and give love with all that I have and all that I am. And I too pray that for you!

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